

TThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Leading association of professionals worldwide in the generation of codes for design, construction, inspection, materials and tests for equipment, boilers and vessels subject to pressure. The codes and standards generated by ASME are accepted and used worldwide.


The Canadian Registration Number. Canadian registration system to verify and control pressure vessels and accessories, being one of the most demanding and restrictive registers in the field, internationally.

INGUSA products can obtain such registration for those that will be used in Canadian provinces.

Hecho en México

The “Hecho en México” stamp is created to elevate, strengthen and promote the acquisition of national products, as well as to protect employment and support the economy of the Mexican people.

Grupo INGUSA Mexican pride company proudly carries this badge.


Mexican Entity of Accreditation, A.C. First private entity in Mexico that accredits the Conformity Assessment Agencies (Test Laboratories and Calibration Laboratories).

INGUSA Laboratories are certified to work under Mexican Standards:

  • NMX-EC-17025-IMNC-2006 / ISO / IEC 17025: 2005 which establishes the general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.
  • NMX-X-042-SCFI: 2010 which specifies the test methods for valves that can be used in portable containers to contain LP Gas.


Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification. Representative for Colombia before international and regional standards organizations such as ISO, IEC and COPANT.

To manufacture products under this certification, INGUSA follows the following resolutions:

  • Resolution 180196: Technical regulation for cylinders and stationary tanks used in the provision of the public service at home of Gas LP and its maintenance processes.
  • Resolution 181464: Technical regulation for cylinders and stationary tanks for LP gas; revision and marking requirements for suitable universal cylinders and new marked cylinders.


National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspector. North American Inspection Council that identifies and accredits manufacturers of pressure vessels and pressure relief devices, according to the design and construction standards of this institution.

INGUSA is certified and authorized to stamp the “NB” mark on its equipment.


TThe National Propane Gas Association. National Commercial Organization that represents the propane industry in the USA and is made up of companies dedicated to commercialize propane gas, manufacturers and distributors of equipment, cylinders and tanks, as well as transporters of this gas.

Grupo INGUSA is a member of this association that represents all segments of the propane industry in the United States.


“Normas Oficiales Mexicanas” (Official Mexican Standards). Mandatory use standards in Mexico, which conform to the minimum and maximum standards in the design and manufacture of INGUSA complies with the following Official Standards:

  • NOM-018/4-SCFI-1993 for the distribution and consumption of LP gas of portable containers and accessories.
  • NOM-008-SESH / SCFI-2010 which includes the manufacturing specifications, materials and test methods of transportable containers to contain LP Gas.
  • NOM-009-SESH-2011 that contains the specifications and test methods for containers to contain non-transportable LP Gas type.
  • NOM-020-STPS-2011 for safety conditions of receivers subject to pressure (other than LP Gas) for commissioning in work centers.


Central American Technical Regulations. This is the name of those ordinances made and adopted by the Technical Committees for Standardization of the Entities for Standardization and Technical Regulation of the Countries of the Central American Region. Which are made up of representatives from the academic, consumer, private sector and government sectors. Ingusa products that are directed to this region, comply with the requirements established in RTCA 23.01.29: 05 for Pressure Vessels, Portable Cylinders to contain LPG and manufacturing specifications.